Category Archives for General
Daylight Savings: Time to Stop This Madness!
As I clear the cobwebs from my eyes, I realize I am not alone. No fewer than ten people yesterday all agreed, some without prompting, that they all felt on the tired side. For me, waking at 5:45AM wasn’t easy—and … Continue reading
Entertainment Industry Control or Gun Control?
It took me a couple of days to be able to get my bearings together enough to write this. I was first made aware of the travesty in Newtown, CT on Friday afternoon, while closing out of my internet mail. … Continue reading
My Black Cat Anna
The other day was one of the toughest I can remember. It is never easy putting our pet companions to sleep, particularly a special cat I knew for the past 18 years. As I write this, I very much miss … Continue reading
Attitude Change Required for Students
The recent article “Shunning Smarts” written by high school Neshaminy student Juliette Rihl hits the nail right on the head! This is a topic that needs to be discussed further. To summarize the article, in (high) school classrooms, and … Continue reading